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Our services

Supporting your digital transformation with innovative, responsible services. Fleet management, consulting, deployment, after-sales service, repair and recycling...
Our recurrent services
Simplified your after-sales service
Delegate the management of your after-sales and repairs to us, access our Mobilehub platform and save time and peace of mind in your day-to-day business.
After-sales service management, considered in less
than 4 hours

Repairs, to the act

Advanced exchanges & recycling

Access to Mobilehub
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Advanced exchanges, terminal preparation
Terminal preparation, after-sales service, repairs: with bconnex, your terminals arrive ready to use. Keep your team 100% operational with our advanced exchanges.
Repairs, to the act or by flat rate

Advanced exchanges

Preparing the terminals:
Fitting cases and tempered glass, labelling, mastering.
Discover Mobilehub >
Outsourcing of your IT infrastructure
In a few words, we take care of everything! We manage your IT assets, you manage your success. Free up time for less stress and benefit from Premium support.
Mobile line management



Lifecycle management
Integration of third-party tools

User support
Discover Mobilehub >
A project, or simply a question,
we are here to find a solution suited to your needs
Contact us
Preparing terminals during deployment
Fitting cases and
tempered glass



MDM pre-registration

Enrolment with full MDM configuration
Fitting cases and
tempered glass



Enrolment without MDM
A project, or simply a question,
we are here to find a solution suited to your needs
Contact us
Échanges avancés, préparation terminaux
Préparation des terminaux, SAV, réparations : avec bconnex, vos terminaux arrivent prêt à l'emploi. Gardez votre équipe 100% opérationnelle grâce à nos échanges avancés.
Réparation, à l'acte ou au forfait

Échanges avancés

Préparation des terminaux 

Pose de coque et verre trempé, étiquetage, masterisation...
Mobilehub: manage and secure your IT assets
Our all-in-one SaaS software, developed in France, lets you optimise the lifecycle of your IT assets by giving you a 360° view of your fleet. Deployments, movements, users, stocks, after-sales service, repairs, interconnections with third-party tools, end-of-life , simplify your day-to-day work by managing your assets intuitively, securely and responsibly.
Recurrent management
Administrate your users and terminals
terminals, manage your inventory , pilot control movements and requests for restitution, manage your after-sales and repairs and access the history.
Connections to third-party tools
Interconnections to Mobilehub possible: MDM, mobile operator extranet, Azure AD and HRIS corporate directories, secure your mobile devices and connect your Lookout account, Yousign...
Project management
Manage your deployment campaigns simply and intuitively, print your transport orders directly from Mobilehub, access all the necessary reports and organise your recycling and valorization requests.
A project, or simply a question,
we are here to find a solution suited to your needs.
Contact us


Offer a single point of entry for the secure and responsible provision and management of the user work environment
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