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Our commitments

B Corp, Sustainable Development Goals, Le Coq Vert, La French Tech, Planet Tech'Care, INR... bconnex is committed to making a positive impact.
CSR commitment is part of bconnex's DNA
Being aware of our impact has become a priority for our society and our planet. Implementing the necessary actions to transform the consequences of our activity into a positive impact is essential.

Bconnex group's commitments

B Corp
Connexing is B Corp certified since 2018. Today, more than 430 companies in France are part of an international community that brings together companies combining economic performance with positive impacts for the environment and society. Committing to the B Corp process means aiming for a process of constant evolution with the objectives of maximizing the positive impacts of the company and its activity and embracing the entire ecosystem of suppliers, customers and partners.
The "Certified B Corporation" logo is awarded by B Lab, a private non-profit organization, to companies like ours that have successfully completed the B Impact Assessment ("BIA") and meet B Lab's standards for social and environmental performance, accountability, and transparency. It should be noted that B Lab is not a conformity assessment body as defined by Regulation (EU) No 765/2008, nor is it a national, European, or international standardization body as defined by Regulation (EU) No 1025/2012. The BIA criteria are distinct and independent from harmonized standards derived from ISO or other standardization bodies and are not endorsed by national or European public institutions.
EcoVadis is an international benchmark for CSR performance evaluation, covering environmental, social, ethical and responsible purchasing criteria.

Betoobe received its first EcoVadis certification in 2022. For the 2024 reassessment, the entire bconnex group was audited and awarded the BRONZE medal.
Mission-led company
The status of Mission-led company defines a company's objective - in parallel with its pursuit of profits - to work for the greater good by putting the resolution of social and environmental challenges at the heart of its model.

The French PACTE legislation enacted in 2019 enables a company to include a mission in its statutes. This consists of a purpose (defining the future the company wants to help build) and related objectives (the company's commitments to itself and its ecosystem).

A mission coordinator is then appointed (depending on the size of the company's workforce), and is in close contact with an Independent Third-Party Body (ITB), which will check that the company's commitments and objectives are being met.
Connexing France and its Italian and Belgian subsidiaries have obtained this status.
Social actions
Connexing has been supporting charitable activities such as ADAPEI 44 for many years.

Since 2016, the Nantes-based entity has also been a partner of Réseau Étincelle, which helps young people facing difficulties regain control of their lives through professional reintegration. Over 750 individuals have already benefited from this initiative.

To take our commitment to local associations even further, Connexing offers its premises to a homeless person in the evenings and at weekends through the association Les Bureaux du Cœur. In September 2024, Connexing welcomed its 9th guest since 2021.

Alone, fast… together, further

The bconnex group is part of several networks in order to share its experience and best practices, but also to source new commitments in order to continuously push boundaries.
Bconnex’s networks
Betoobe became a signatory to the Commitment Charter in October 2024. The Marketing Department of Connexing has also been certified by INR since 2022.

Our Social and Solidarity Economy (SSE) company

Cetooce is a Social and Solidarity Economy organization. In practical terms, this means that its activities are based on the principle of solidarity and social usefulness. But to go even further, cetooce has made its core business a genuine commitment to the environment.
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PCs, smartphones, tablets, headsets... When you choose refurbished products over brand new ones, you cut CO2 emissions. To acknowledge your choice for more responsible consumption, the bconnex group is committed to providing you with annual decarbonation certificates.
Let's talk about it

Our projects

B Corp for all !
Obtaining B Corp certification isn't easy, but it certainly makes sense! Beyond the worldwide recognition it brings, it means being part of a genuine community of committed companies and people with strong values for change, to make companies “a force for good”, and to highlight companies that reconcile profit and collective interest.

It's all about improving a company's CSR approach in its entirety, and over the long term. That's why all bconnex entities are aiming to join Connexing in the “certified B Corp” community by 2026.
Carbon footprint: getting to know ourselves
The carbon footprint has become the cornerstone for launching a CSR strategy. It enables us to identify our points of consumption and to understand what we can do to reduce our CO2 emissions.

For example, Connexing realized during its first carbon footprint assessment in 2021 that its impact was primarily concentrated on SCOPE 3, specifically related to the purchase of new equipment for its clients (particularly headsets). This led to the creation of a headset refurbishing project that involved several brokers and suppliers.

Many actions depend on a complete and regularly updated carbon footprint. bconnex will carry out a carbon footprint for each of its entities by the end of 2025.

Why ISO 14001?
It is a mark of confidence for stakeholders, and proof of commitment and compliance with legal and regulatory requirements that form part of an environmental management system.

The Iso 14001 standard is one of betoobe's CSR objectives for 2025.
Carbon offsetting through trees
A carbon footprint enables a company to determine its total emissions in relation to its activity, its uses and its overall consumption (energy, equipment, transport, etc.).

Once the assessment has been drawn up and the sources of the most significant emissions have been identified, action plans can be drawn up to reduce emissions. Introducing remote working to reduce the amount of transport borne by employees, favoring refurbished rather than brand-new equipment, installing solar panels on premises, replacing the company's fleet of combustion-powered vehicles with electric ones... Each action has its importance, but can only show its benefits in the medium term.

Carbon offsetting can have a positive impact more quickly, and this is what bconnex will be concentrating on from 2025, once the carbon footprints of each entity have been completed. From giant bamboos to hardwood forests, there are an increasing number of partners available to support companies wishing to set up carbon offsetting schemes.
Bconnex is currently studying the possibility of setting up a decarbonization project by investing in a French forest.
Sustainable IT
Directly linked to bconnex's business sector, the question of sustainable IT is raised every day in each of our entities.
What kind of lever for what kind of impact? Each of the group's entities can play a major role in this area.
Betoobe has made a commitment by signing the INR's Sustainable IT Charter, and Connexing has certified its marketing team in the best practices to put in place to limit its impact.

Retrouvez tous les détails de la démarche RSE du groupe bconnex ici 
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